Menya-musashi Niten

Address 1-2-4 Higashi-ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo
Phone 03-6914-2634
Store hours 11:30-22:00
Holiday: None

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Message from Hayato "Ramen Prince" Ishiyama

It is no exaggeration to say that the ramen boom had started from Menya-musashi in Shinjuku. Menya-musashi Niten that was refurbished in 2012 is the second restaurant of Menya-musashi. It features deep fried pork and deep fried chicken as toppings; they are fried just before topped so that customers can enjoy the combination of the crispy fries and the rich thick soup made with seafood dashi stock. The bustling kitchen seen from all seats is another feature of Menya-musashi.
