Menya Hulu-lu

Address 2-60-7 Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo
Phone 03-3983-6455
Store hours 11:30-15:00/18:00-21:00
Sun. & Holidays 11:30-15:30
Closed: Tuesday

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Message from Hayato "Ramen Prince" Ishiyama


The owner/chef Yuji Furukawa once worked for Yasuji Morizumi who was the owner/chef of Chabuya, the first ramen restaurant achieved a Michelin star. Menya Hulu-lu features its original shio-ramen named "SOBA" that stands for just "noodle." The great clear soup is made with dashi stock of Kibi-kokkei chicken and selected seafood, and it enhances the flavor of the excellent homemade noodles. The interior was made after Hawaiian images, and there is unique side menu that includes spam rice ball and Kona Beer.